Blogger BlogNet33934

How the Experts Identify Perennial Flowers and Perennial Plants

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When a dream garden springs into our minds, the linchpins of the borders will usually be the perennials, with their great wealth of colors, textures, and forms. They provide an enormous selection of plants that will fit in with any style of gardening and will satisfy both the keen and lazy gardener.

What is a perennial? Perennials are just what they say - perennial - though the description must be modified slightly, as it could apply to any plant that lasts more than a year. In fact, it generally applies to herbaceous material that is grown in general borders. In other words, it excludes trees, shrubs and plants that are grown in rock gardens or in greenhouses, even though these all might be long lived.

Most perennials die back in winter and then regenerate the following year, though some remain green right through the winter. From the gardening point of view, perennials are generally considered hardy - that is, they are able to withstand at least a certain amount of frost.

Most perennials have a relatively short flowering season. This may be seen as a disadvantage, but in fact it can be great asses because it means that the garden is never static, it never becomes boring. It allows the borders to be planned in such a way that they present an ever changing scene. It is possible, for example, to have a spring border of blue and yellow that transforms itself over the months into a pink and mauve border in the summer and then perhaps to hot colors for the autumn. Such co ordinations needs careful planning, or course, but that is half the fun of gardening.

Perennials are not only about flower color. Many have interesting foliage in a wide range of colors, from greens, silvers and purples to yellows and creams. All these helps to create a backdrop against which the flowers can be seen to advantage. Longer lasting than flowers, foliage forms the main structure of the borders throughout the growing season.

Perennials can be used in many ways. One of the most effective is creating a herbaceous border entirely from perennials. These are usually planted in drifts, creating a sumptuous tapestry of colors through summer and autumn. Traditionally herbaceous borders were found in large gardens, but smaller versions can easily be created to great effect.

To learn more about the different types of perennial plants and plant nursery supplies for your garden, make sure to visit Make sure to get your free catalog on gardening while you are there.

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