Blogger BlogNet33934

When to Use a Divorce Lawyer and When to Avoid One


The topic of divorce is never pleasant and usually painful, but if you find yourself at the end of a marriage, it may be your only logical options. Individuals choose to enter divorce proceedings for a variety of reasons, but usually the more civil these proceedings the better. A divorce lawyer can be incredibly useful for representing you regarding divisions of assets and property and in the event of custody proceedings.

Not everyone needs to solicit the aid of a divorce lawyer, so carefully consider whether you should consider a lawyer in your specific situation. Since each case is different, there is no blanket statement regarding who should use a divorce lawyer and who can forgo the presence of one. You do not necessarily need the help of a divorce lawyer to successfully enter and complete divorce proceedings, but in many cases, their presence and expertise can help immensely through this difficult process.

Depending on your specific situation, you may not need the assistance of a divorce lawyer. That does not mean you should put any less importance or thought into the proceedings than an individual who chooses to hire a lawyer. Many individuals forego hiring a divorce lawyer because they can come up with an agreeable situation between themselves and a former spouse.

Even though your marriage may be ending, remember both parties are adults and should act as such. Individuals who are able to remain mature about the situation and have realistic wants and needs are more capable of handing proceedings without needing a lawyer.

If you choose not to solicit the assistance of a lawyer, carefully consider all potential issues that may arise between you and your former spouse. The two of you should arrange a meeting to discuss all issues before the date of the divorce proceedings so all terms and conditions are clearly determined.

Also, you may need to meet with a neutral third party mediator so that everyone remains focused at the task at hand. Couples who are able to calmly and deliberately discuss any necessary issues regarding the divorce are more apt to have problems later down the road. Most couples are able to discuss the terms of their divorce without needing to involve lawyers.

If you are concerned about your safety or afraid of your former spouse, it will probably be in your best interest to hire a lawyer and let that individual deal with him or her directly. You will still need to make any necessary decisions, but will not have to directly speak to your former spouse.

If there is any problem of abusephysical, sexual, or verbalin the relationship, a lawyer should be hired immediately. Furthermore, if you fear for the safety of any children or dependants in your home life, a lawyer be hired for their best interest as well. Furthermore, if your spouse is acting cruel or dishonest towards you or anyone else in the household, hiring a lawyer will help take the focus off you in this situation.

Another reason to hire a lawyer is if your spouse does so first. It is severely discouraged to enter into divorce proceedings against a lawyer if you have no experience in the field of law yourself. Hiring a lawyer will protect your best interests and ensure your wants and needs are taken care of in a court of law. This is especially true if children are involved, as custody cases are often complicated and should be handled by a professional.

If you find yourself wanting to hire a lawyer but financially unable to do so, speak with the legal aid office of your county courthouse. These offices coordinate clients with lawyers who will work at reduced fees or for no cost at all (pro bono). If you know a lawyer through family or friend connections, seek their help and guidance. Many legal acquaintances will be able to provide you with legal information for minimal or no charge.

However, if the lawyer in question shares a relationship with both you and your former spouse, it is strongly recommended you avoid bringing this person into any potential dispute. Making the decision whether or not to hire a lawyer to assist with your divorce proceedings is a critical decision that should be made using a clear head and deliberate thought.

Find more info on divorce lawyers and legal divorce help at - Click the link to visit now.

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Diamond Rings - Teach Yourself


Diamond Rings - symbols of love, romance, marriage, affluence, status. The diamond has the greatest refraction and dispersion of light of all the precious stones known to man. It is also the hardest substance known to man, natural or artificial.

Purchasing a diamond ring, for an engagement, a wedding, or as a surprise gift, usually involves much expense. It pays to know something about diamonds so you can make an intelligent choice.

As a first step familiarize yourself with these main factors which affect the value and price of diamond rings. Then go to the Diamond Ring Tutorial mentioned in the Resource box at the end of this article to continue your education.


Carat is the unit of measurement used to describe the weight of diamonds. As carat size increases, the diamond's diameter and depth also increase.


A diamond's clarity rating is determined by the number of inclusions it has and how noticeable they are. Inclusions refer to tiny pinpoints, clouding, or markings on the diamond. The fewer the inclusions the more brilliant the diamond and of course the higher the value.


Diamonds with less body color are more valuable as the reflection from them is more pure. A letter scale from D to Z is used to grade the color of diamonds, D being colorless through to Z which can include light yellow, brown or gray.


The cut of the diamond can have a major effect on how it reflects light. A shallow cut will allow light to escape through the sides whereas a deep cut will cause light to be lost through the bottom of the diamond. The more exacting the proportions of the cut, the more valuable the diamond is.

With that background consider now the shape you prefer. Is it Asscher, Cushion, Emerald, Heart, Marquise, Oval, Pear, Princess, Radiant, Round, or Trillion? (See resource box below)

To learn about these shapes and see examples, visit the Diamond Ring Tutorial mentioned below.

Teach yourself about diamonds with the diamond ring tutorial:

Browse the top 10 diamond shapes here:


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Blogger BlogNet33934: Aug 14, 2008

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