This article is aimed at anyone interested in learning about cold sore treatments using natural remedies. Specifically we'll discuss how to reduce the frequency and severity of cold sore outbreaks, what to do when you do feel an outbreak coming on and how to help heal cold sores rapidly. After reading this article, you should be able to treat your cold sores using natural remedies so that you suffer from them less often and they heal faster.
To reduce the frequency and severity of cold sore outbreaks you need to ensure that the immune system is functioning as well as it can. You can achieve this by ensuring that you eat a balanced diet and tale regular exercise. You should also break poor health choices such as smoking or drinking excessively.
Eating well is a message we hear constantly and in addition to boosting your immune system you'll feel generally healthier and suffer fewer illnesses. You should cut down on junk food or preferable eliminate it completely, in favor of low fat and low sugar meals with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Fish is better then red meat overall, so you should try and increase the amount you eat or add it to your diet.
Regular exercise can be as simple as walking for 30 minutes each day. Walk briskly, in comfortable shoes and take your iPod if you find it helps. If you don't go much on walking then what about swimming, cycling, or yoga?
These can be difficult habits to change if you are not used to them, but making these changes will definitely help you.
As soon as you get that tingling sensation that tells you a new cold sore is on its way you should take action whenever possible. Probably the simplest piece of advice is to take an ice cube and hold it against the area of the cold sore for half an hour, but if you're at work that may not be possible, in which case a cream containing lemon balm may be the answer. If you do use conventional medicine then treat you cold sore as instructed.
To help your cold sore heal fast you need to treat it regularly with whichever treatment you prefer, or what you have found works best for you. The application of a tea bag to the cold sore isn't viable in many work environments, but at home you can certainly use this as a treatment. And if you take a L-lysine supplement to help you cold sore heal then you should start right away or up the dose if you use them for prevention too.
By considering the points above you can minimize the impact of the cold sore virus on your life. It can be a miserable time while you're suffering from an outbreak, but using the natural cold sore remedies above can help your body fight the virus better so you won't endure so much misery from this nasty condition. If you found this article useful you might like to read more about cold sores at
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