It's been said that surgeons have a great ego and that they look all arrogant and feel superior.
Well, I think that surgeons do need to have an ego. There is a big responsibility that lies in our hands. When I say ego I don't mean to be rude to anybody, but to be self confident in what we do and perform. The life of our patients depends on what we know, how we feel, etc. Sometimes we are so worry about our patients welfare that we might seem arrogant to others, what they don't understand is that while we are eating or drinking coffee we are thinking about the patient we just did surgery on and hoping that everything went OK, thinking that we have to call the hospital to find out how the patient is doing, if the intake and outtake fluids are OK, vital signs, bleeding, etc..So, it's not only that we have huge egos, it's the huge responsibility we have that makes us appear "very important" to some students or people in general.
I have been a surgeon for over 22 years, and frankly, I have saved many many lives, and I feel proud for what I have accomplished so far. Of course, this could have not been done without the help of hundreds of nurses and other doctors who assisted me and provided care to my patients as well. Maybe, and just maybe, this feeling of pride and self confidence is what makes us look...arrogant.
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